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September 29, 2023

Canada’s New Temporary Residents increase in 2023

In a report gathered by Statistics Canada on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, there has been an increase of almost 700,000 in the total number of  temporary residents already in Canada on study permits, work permits, and asylum claimants as at the second quarter of the year 2023 in comparison with the second quarter of 2022.

See below details of Temporary Resident Type per quarter

Temporary Resident Type Q2 2023 Q1 2023 Q4 2022 Q3 2022 Q2 2022
Total, asylum claimant 256,958 238,186 217,925 192,914 177,281
Work permit holders only 1,001,479 853,221 766,690 698,522 599,810
Study permit holders only  582,201 559,428 575,431 537,581 477,491
Work and study permit holders 273,850 240,653 227,937 213,758 189,862
Other (mainly refers to family members living with permit holders) 84,191 73,830 68,900 63,972 56,534
Total Temporary Residents 2,198,679 1,965,318 1,856,883 1,706,747 1,500,978

The probability of this Canadian Temporary Resident holders to get Canadian Permanent Residency is low as the ratio of Permanent Residency Spots to the number of Temporary Residents do not match.

This increase in number of temporary residents across Canada is based on the fact that there has been less conversion of  TRs to PRs which has led TR holders to either enrol for study permit or apply for LMIA work permits to prolong their stay. The introduction of PGWP extension by the Canadian government also help graduates extend their stay for 18months after graduation.

There has however been more emphasis on issuing PR to specific skilled workers, francophones and educated individuals with experience of 3 years and above.

You need help with admission into one of Canada’s Universities, creating an express entry or provincial nominaton profile, preparing an application after invitation or reviewing an application already prepared? Send us an email on info@eseumohimmigration.com

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