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Tag Archives: #IEC

June 3, 2024

In the week ending June 1, 2024, the International Experience Canada (IEC) 2024 season sent out 4,603 work permit invitations, compared to just 2,669 invitations the previous week.

4,152 invitations were sent for the Working Holiday category, which has 33,394 candidates from 34 countries. As of May 31, there are 19,285 spots available for working holiday visas. The Young Professional category sent 323 invitations, and the International Co-op (internship) category sent 128 invitations.

See below latest IEC 2024 Invitations

1. IEC 2024 Working Holiday

Participants selected from eligible countries in the Working Holiday category receive an open work permit, enabling them to work for nearly any company in Canada. This category suits you if you:

– Lack a job offer.
– Seek employment with multiple Canadian employers.
– Wish to work in various locations, earning money to support your travels.

Country Invitations issued last week Available Spots Candidates in Pool 2024 Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Andorra 0 15 0 25 Excellent
Australia 512 0 171 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 12 22 8 168 Excellent
Belgium 37 7 38 750 Very low
Chile 3 4 8,992 725 Very low
Costa Rica 1 0 2,257 80 Very low
Croatia 4 245 4 275 Excellent
Czech Republic 26 613 7 1,000 Excellent
Denmark 28 146 7 350 Excellent
Estonia 2 61 3 110 Excellent
Finland 3 0 3 Unlimited Excellent
France 136 60 17,876 7,000 Very low
Germany 216 2,218 57 4,490 Excellent
Greece 13 18 3 160 Excellent
Hong Kong 23 9 7 200 Excellent
Iceland 0 110 0 120 Excellent
Ireland 178 7,963 51 10,500 Excellent
Italy 134 632 62 1,750 Excellent
Japan 378 1,735 138 6,500 Excellent
Latvia 2 2 17 45 Very Low
Lithuania 12 28 4 188 Excellent
Luxembourg 2 63 1 80 Excellent
Netherlands 2 3 172 500 Very low
New Zealand 124 1,296 45 2,500 Excellent
Norway 7 73 3 135 Excellent
Poland 27 328 16 635 Excellent
Portugal 39 1,298 18 1,750 Excellent
San Marino 0 24 0 25 Excellent
Slovakia 20 97 5 315 Excellent
Slovenia 4 58 3 80 Excellent
South Korea 1,203 138 636 10,000 Low
Spain 112 78 48 875 Very good
Sweden 24 405 3 580 Excellent
Taiwan 49 6 2,432 940 Very Low
United Kingdom 819 1,530 307 9,000 Excellent
Total 4,152 19,285 33,394 61,851

2. Young Professionals Category:

In the Young Professionals category, selected candidates from eligible countries receive an employer-specific work visa. To qualify for this category, applicants must have:

– A genuine job offer from a Canadian company that supports their professional advancement.
– The commitment to work for the same employer in the same location.

Country Invitations issued last week Available Spots Candidates in Pool 2024 Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Australia 10 0 6 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 1 4 0 10 Excellent
Chile 5 0 202 20 Very low
Costa Rica 0 0 144 18 Very low
Croatia 0 17 0 20 Excellent
Czech Republic 8 17 2 145 Excellent
Estonia 3 5 0 10 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 Unlimited Excellent
France 142 1,074 61 2,200 Excellent
France 8 773 71 1,000 Excellent
Germany 25 146 5 350 Excellent
Greece 6 7 3 38 Excellent
Ireland 8 121 5 150 Excellent
Latvia 0 0 0 3 Excellent
Lithuania 1 5 0 10 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 10 0 10 Excellent
Netherlands 0 0 16 100 Very low
Norway 1 10 0 15 Excellent
Poland 8 86 7 110 Excellent
Portugal 2 190 0 200 Excellent
Slovakia 9 1 1 30 Excellent
Slovenia 0 11 0 15 Excellent
South Korea 29 792 9 1,500 Excellent
Spain 10 7 7 70 Excellent
Spain — IECX Vives 0 49 0 50 Excellent
Sweden 3 81 0 100 Excellent
Switzerland 12 64 3 200 Excellent
Taiwan -1 0 19 50 Very Low
United Kingdom 33 698 15 900 Excellent
Total 323 4,168 576 7,324

3. International Co-op (Internship)

In the International Co-op (Internship) category, participants are issued an employer-specific work visa. This category suits you if you:

– Are a post-secondary student with a job offer for a work placement or internship in Canada.
– Will fulfill your educational requirements through this work placement or internship.
– Intend to work for the same employer in the same location throughout your stay in Canada.

Country Invitations issued last week Available Spots Candidates in Pool 2024 Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Australia 0 0 0 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 2 0 2 Excellent
Chile 0 4 0 5 Excellent
Costa Rica 1 0 0 2 Excellent
Croatia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Czech Republic 0 4 0 5 Excellent
Estonia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 Unlimited Excellent
France 108 1,780 33 3,800 Excellent
Germany 3 104 4 160 Excellent
Greece 0 2 0 2 Excellent
Ireland 0 34 0 50 Excellent
Latvia 0 2 0 2 Excellent
Lithuania 0 2 0 2 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 10 0 10 Excellent
Norway 0 4 0 5 Excellent
Poland 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Portugal 0 50 0 50 Excellent
Slovakia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Slovenia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
South Korea 1 198 0 500 Excellent
Spain 2 2 0 15 Excellent
Sweden 0 20 0 20 Excellent
Switzerland 3 26 0 50 Excellent
Taiwan 3 5 0 100 Excellent
UK 7 90 1 100 Excellent
Total 128 2,364 38 4,905

Require assistance with securing a visitor visa for Canada, seeking professional aid in submitting a study visa or work permit application, crafting an Expression of Interest, setting up an express entry or provincial nomination profile, preparing your application post receiving an invitation to apply, or simply reviewing your self-prepared application? Schedule a consultation or reach out via email at info@eseumohimmigration.com


February 26, 2024

Hello future neighbour,

In the just concluded week, February 24, 2024, International Experience Canada (IEC) invited 3,737 candidates for an open work permit under the Working Holiday Visa round of invitations.

251 closed work permit invites have been sent under the Young Professionals category, while only 53 closed work permit invites have been sent under the International Co-op category.

A total of 35 countries are eligible for this round of invitation.

See below IEC 2024 Working Holiday Visa Invitations

Country Invitations last week Available Spots Candidates in pool Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Andorra 0 16 0 25 Excellent
Australia 202 0 172 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 8 6 4 100 Excellent
Belgium 21 247 31 750 Excellent
Chile 100 272 7,073 725 Very low
Costa Rica 7 41 1,779 80 Very low
Croatia 1 254 4 275 Excellent
Czech Republic 19 760 15 1,000 Excellent
Denmark 5 258 9 350 Excellent
Estonia 12 77 3 110 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 TBA Excellent
France 1,212 3,587 16,957 7,000 Very low
Germany 117 3,267 120 4,490 Excellent
Greece 7 112 3 180 Excellent
Hong Kong 14 87 15 200 Excellent
Iceland 0 117 1 120 Excellent
Ireland 162 9,029 171 10,500 Excellent
Italy 73 1,057 60 1,750 Excellent
Japan 204 4,023 156 6,500 Excellent
Latvia 4 3 15 40 Fair
Lithuania 8 75 8 175 Excellent
Luxembourg 1 75 0 80 Excellent
Netherlands 27 4 37 430 Excellent
New Zealand 63 1,871 62 2,500 Excellent
Norway 14 96 2 135 Excellent
Poland 18 477 19 635 Excellent
Portugal 24 1,513 25 1,750 Excellent
San Marino 0 24 0 25 Excellent
Slovakia 9 177 10 315 Excellent
Slovenia 2 66 1 80 Excellent
South Korea 632 2,374 531 10,000 Excellent
Spain 71 282 47 800 Excellent
Sweden 14 496 9 580 Excellent
Taiwan 263 402 2,014 940 Very Low
United Kingdom 423 4,829 386 9,000 Excellent
Total 3,737 35,974 29,739 61,640

See below IEC 2024 Young Professionals Invitations

 Country Invitations last week Available Spots Candidates in pool Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Australia 3 0 5 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 1 57 2 60 Excellent
Chile 5 9 164 20 Very low
Costa Rica 2 0 121 15 Very low
Croatia 0 17 0 20 Excellent
Czech Republic 0 76 5 145 Excellent
Estonia 0 8 1 10 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 TBA Excellent
France 83 1,629 75 2,200 Excellent
France 4 885 59 1,000 Excellent
Germany 16 257 18 350 Excellent
Greece 4 3 3 10 Excellent
Ireland 6 127 9 150 Excellent
Latvia 1 6 1 8 Excellent
Lithuania 0 14 1 20 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 10 0 10 Excellent
Netherlands 5 133 2 170 Excellent
Norway 0 12 0 15 Excellent
Poland 0 101 1 110 Excellent
Portugal 0 195 0 200 Excellent
Slovakia 5 13 2 30 Excellent
Slovenia 0 13 0 15 Excellent
South Korea 9 1,371 12 1,500 Excellent
Spain 12 76 5 120 Excellent
Spain – ICEX Vives 0 49 7 50 Excellent
Sweden 3 91 1 100 Excellent
Switzerland 11 137 5 200 Excellent
Taiwan 7 29 11 50 Excellent
UK 42 791 24 900 Excellent
Total 219 6,109 534 7,478

See below IEC 2024 International Co-op (Internship) Invitations

Country Invitations this week Available Spots Candidates in pool Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Australia 0 0 0 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 20 0 20 Excellent
Chile 1 2 0 5 Excellent
Costa Rica 0 5 1 5 Excellent
Croatia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Czech Republic 0 4 0 5 Excellent
Estonia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 TBA Excellent
France 123 2,566 89 4,250 Excellent
Germany 4 128 4 160 Excellent
Greece 0 10 0 10 Excellent
Ireland 0 40 1 50 Excellent
Latvia 0 2 0 2 Excellent
Lithuania 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 10 0 10 Excellent
Norway 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Poland 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Portugal 0 49 0 50 Excellent
Slovakia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Slovenia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
South Korea 0 499 0 500 Excellent
Spain 1 28 0 30 Excellent
Sweden 0 20 0 20 Excellent
Switzerland 0 39 2 50 Excellent
Taiwan 0 10 0 100 Excellent
UK 2 95 2 100 Excellent
Total 131 3,562 99 5,402

A total of 35,974 spots are available for open work permit under the IEC 2024 Working Holiday Visa category , while only 29,739 candidates are in the pool. There are still opportunities for individuals from eligible countries to apply for the Working Holiday Visa and take advantage of the available spots.

The processing timeframe for IEC 2O24 is two weeks. Processing only commences when completed applications are submitted.

If you require assistance with obtaining a visitor visa to visit Canada, or if you need professional help with putting in a study visa application, work permit application, Expression of Interest, creating an express entry or provincial nomination profile, preparing your application after receiving an invitation to apply, or reviewing an application you prepared yourself, you can book a consultation or send an email to info@eseumohimmigration.com

February 19, 2024

In the just concluded week, the Working Holiday Visa Category of International Experience Canada (IEC) sent a total of 4,655 invitations to apply for open work permit in a working holiday visa round of invitation.

The Young Professional category and International Co-op (Internship) category received 274 and 237 closed work permit invitations respectively in the same week.

Currently, there are 35 eligible countries under the Working Holiday Visa category. A total of 29,713 eligible candidates are in the pool with an available slot of 38,668.


See below invitations sent under the Working Holiday Visa Category

Country Invitations sent last week Available spots Eligible candidates in pool Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Andorra 0 20 0 25 Excellent
Australia 370 0 145 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 16 12 5 100 Excellent
Belgium 81 271 13 750 Excellent
Chile 100 355 6,891 725 Very low
Costa Rica 10 47 1,717 80 Very low
Croatia 5 255 1 275 Excellent
Czech Republic 25 774 16 1,000 Excellent
Denmark 20 262 4 350 Excellent
Estonia 0 83 4 110 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 TBA Excellent
France 570 4,487 17,500 7,000 Very low
Germany 226 3,364 94 4,490 Excellent
Greece 13 117 5 180 Excellent
Hong Kong 16 96 9 200 Excellent
Iceland 0 117 0 120 Excellent
Ireland 335 9,135 120 10,500 Excellent
Italy 127 1,106 56 1,750 Excellent
Japan 409 4,207 153 6,500 Excellent
Latvia 5 6 17 40 Fair
Lithuania 18 78 7 175 Excellent
Luxembourg 2 76 1 80 Excellent
Netherlands 59 24 15 430 Excellent
New Zealand 126 1,922 44 2,500 Excellent
Norway 0 105 5 135 Excellent
Poland 43 487 13 635 Excellent
Portugal 28 1,525 18 1,750 Excellent
San Marino 0 24 0 25 Excellent
Slovakia 15 181 9 315 Excellent
Slovenia 4 67 1 80 Excellent
South Korea 1,014 2,968 469 10,000 Excellent
Spain 104 334 59 800 Excellent
Sweden 15 505 7 580 Excellent
Taiwan 150 532 2,014 940 Very Low
UK 749 5,126 301 9,000 Excellent
Total 4,655 38,668 29,713 61,640

See below invitations sent under the Young Professionals Category

Country Invitations since last two weeks Available Spots Eligible candidates in pool Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Australia 7 0 1 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 57 0 60 Excellent
Chile 5 11 162 20 Very low
Costa Rica 2 2 113 15 Very low
Croatia 0 17 0 20 Excellent
Czech Republic 18 76 5 145 Excellent
Estonia 1 8 0 10 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 TBA Excellent
France 129 1,679 66 2,200 Excellent
France – VIE 5 890 50 1,000 Excellent
Germany 23 264 12 350 Excellent
Greece 6 4 4 10 Excellent
Ireland 13 128 4 150 Excellent
Latvia 2 6 1 8 Excellent
Lithuania 3 15 0 20 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 10 0 10 Excellent
Netherlands 6 135 3 170 Excellent
Norway 0 12 0 15 Excellent
Poland 2 100 0 110 Excellent
Portugal 2 194 0 200 Excellent
Slovakia 3 16 5 30 Excellent
Slovenia 1 13 0 15 Excellent
South Korea 22 1,373 7 1,500 Excellent
Spain 9 81 8 120 Excellent
Spain ICEX Vives 0 49 7 50 Excellent
Sweden 1 92 3 100 Excellent
Switzerland 6 147 13 200 Excellent
Taiwan 8 32 5 50 Excellent
UK 0 815 17 900 Excellent
Total 274 6,226 486 7,478

See below Invitations for International Co-ops (Internships)

Country Invitations since last week Available Spots Eligible candidates in pool Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Australia 2 0 0 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 20 0 20 Excellent
Chile 1 2 1 5 Excellent
Costa Rica 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Croatia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Czech Republic 1 4 0 5 Excellent
Estonia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 TBA Excellent
France 218 2,665 91 4,250 Excellent
Germany 9 130 3 160 Excellent
Greece 0 10 0 10 Excellent
Ireland 1 40 0 50 Excellent
Latvia 0 2 0 2 Excellent
Lithuania 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 10 0 10 Excellent
Norway 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Poland 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Portugal 1 49 0 50 Excellent
Slovakia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Slovenia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
South Korea 2 498 0 500 Excellent
Spain 0 29 2 30 Excellent
Sweden 0 20 0 20 Excellent
Switzerland 2 39 0 50 Excellent
Taiwan 0 10 0 100 Excellent
UK 0 95 1 100 Excellent
Total 237 3,663 98 5,402

A total 5,166 invitations to apply under the IEC 2024 season was sent in the just concluded week. IRCC takes three weeks to process an application when submitted.

Need help obtaining a visitor visa to visit Canada, or professional help putting in a study visa application, work permit application, Expression of Interest, creating an express entry or provincial nomination profile, preparing your application after receiving an invitation to apply or even just reviewing an application you prepared yourself? Book a consultation or send us an email on info@eseumohimmigration.com