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Category Archives: Business Visa

January 29, 2024

Dear Future Neighbour,

In the just concluded week, International Experience Canada sent out more than 7400 work permit invitations to profiles under the working holiday category, the young professionals category, international co-op category.

See below Working Holiday Invitations

Candidates invited under the working holiday category have an open work-permit and are eligible to work for any Canadian employer.

Country Invitations since last week Spots available Eligible candidates in pool Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Andorra 0 22 3 25 Excellent
Australia 473 0 318 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 31 46 15 100 Excellent
Belgium 155 441 46 750 Excellent
Chile 50 670 6,193 725 Very low
Costa Rica 7 68 1,402 80 Very low
Croatia 2 263 7 275 Excellent
Czech Republic 80 870 35 1,000 Excellent
Denmark 24 306 14 350 Excellent
Estonia 6 95 6 110 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 TBA Excellent
France 199 6,533 16,905 7,000 Very low
Germany 319 3,889 165 4,490 Excellent
Greece 24 146 6 180 Excellent
Hong Kong 34 139 22 200 Excellent
Iceland 3 117 0 120 Excellent
Ireland 450 9,792 267 10,500 Excellent
Italy 225 1,395 120 1,750 Excellent
Japan 700 5,310 385 6,500 Excellent
Latvia 20 26 32 40 Fair
Lithuania 45 101 21 175 Excellent
Luxembourg 1 78 0 80 Excellent
Netherlands 134 218 62 430 Excellent
New Zealand 163 2,210 87 2,500 Excellent
Norway 5 115 8 135 Excellent
Poland 62 546 13 635 Excellent
Portugal 43 1,626 37 1,750 Excellent
San Marino 1 24 1 25 Excellent
Slovakia 60 229 20 315 Excellent
Slovenia 1 74 4 80 Excellent
South Korea 1,950 7,389 4,143 10,000 Fair
Spain 211 522 70 800 Excellent
Sweden 16 541 16 580 Excellent
Taiwan 70 847 2,128 940 Very Low
UK 1,300 7,126 1,131 9,000 Very Good
Total 6,864 51,774 33,682 61,640


See below Young Professional Invitations

Candidates under this category are only permitted to work for specific employers

Country Invitations since last week Spots available Eligible candidates in pool Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Australia 5 0 12 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 2 58 1 60 Excellent
Chile 2 16 155 20 Very low
Costa Rica 1 10 99 15 Very low
Croatia 0 18 1 20 Excellent
Czech Republic 10 104 3 145 Excellent
Estonia 0 9 0 10 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 TBA Excellent
France 146 1,897 77 2,200 Excellent
Germany 12 302 8 350 Excellent
Greece 7 3 3 10 Excellent
Ireland 6 139 6 150 Excellent
Latvia 0 7 0 8 Excellent
Lithuania 0 17 1 20 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 0 0 10 Excellent
Netherlands 9 145 4 170 Excellent
Norway 0 14 2 15 Excellent
Poland 2 103 1 110 Excellent
Portugal 1 195 2 200 Excellent
Slovakia 6 21 1 30 Excellent
Slovenia 1 14 1 15 Excellent
South Korea 34 1,417 34 1,500 Excellent
Spain 8 95 4 120 Excellent
Sweden 1 96 2 100 Excellent
Switzerland 15 172 6 200 Excellent
Taiwan 3 41 1 50 Excellent
UK 52 821 35 900 Excellent
Total 323 5,714 459 6,428

See below International Co-op invitations

Country Invitations since last week Spots available Eligible candidates in pool Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Australia 0 0 1 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 19 19 0 20 Excellent
Chile 1 3 2 5 Excellent
Costa Rica 1 4 0 5 Excellent
Croatia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Czech Republic 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Estonia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 TBA Excellent
France 233 3,120 112 4,250 Excellent
Germany 2 138 5 160 Excellent
Greece 0 10 0 10 Excellent
Ireland 1 41 1 50 Excellent
Latvia 0 2 0 2 Excellent
Lithuania 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 0 0 10 Excellent
Norway 1 5 1 5 Excellent
Poland 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Portugal 1 50 2 50 Excellent
Slovakia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Slovenia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
South Korea 5 495 0 500 Excellent
Spain 1 29 0 30 Excellent
Sweden 0 20 0 20 Excellent
Switzerland 1 42 1 50 Excellent
Taiwan 1 8 0 100 Excellent
UK 3 97 3 100 Excellent
Total 270 4,118 128 5,402

According to IRCC, the processing timeframe for the current IEC season is six weeks.

Need help obtaining a visitor visa to visit Canada, or professional help putting in a study visa application, work permit application, Expression of Interest, creating an express entry or provincial nomination profile, preparing your application after receiving an invitation to apply or even just reviewing an application you prepared yourself? Book a consultation or send us an email on info@eseumohimmigration.com


January 22, 2024

In the just concluded week, International Experience Canada (IEC) sent out a total of 19,482 Canada Work Permit invitations in its first two rounds of invitations. Profiles under the Working Holiday, Young Professional and International Co-op pools were invited in the two rounds.

See below IEC 2024 Working Holiday Invitations

Invited individuals from eligible countries in the Working Holiday category received an open work permit, allowing them to work for almost any firm in Canada. Candidates that have no employment offer, desire to work for more than one Canada employer or would like to work in more than one location and earn money to travel fall under this category:

Country Total Invitations in first two rounds as of January 19 Available Spots Candidates in Pool 2024 Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Andorra 4 22 3 25 Excellent
Australia 1,261 Unlimited 318 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 86 46 15 100 Excellent
Belgium 450 441 46 750 Excellent
Chile 90 670 6,193 725 Very low
Costa Rica 17 68 1,402 80 Very low
Croatia 21 263 7 275 Excellent
Czech Republic 210 870 35 1,000 Excellent
Denmark 68 306 14 350 Excellent
Estonia 26 95 6 110 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 TBA Excellent
France 664 6,533 16,905 7,000 Very low
Germany 945 3,889 165 4,490 Excellent
Greece 59 146 6 180 Excellent
Hong Kong 111 139 22 200 Excellent
Iceland 5 117 0 120 Excellent
Ireland 1,175 9,792 267 10,500 Excellent
Italy 590 1,395 120 1,750 Excellent
Japan 1,710 5,310 385 6,500 Excellent
Latvia 29 26 32 40 Low
Lithuania 137 101 21 175 Excellent
Luxembourg 4 78 0 80 Excellent
Netherlands 334 218 62 430 Excellent
New Zealand 433 2,210 87 2,500 Excellent
Norway 26 115 8 135 Excellent
Poland 142 546 13 635 Excellent
Portugal 183 1,626 37 1,750 Excellent
San Marino 1 24 1 25 Excellent
Slovakia 145 229 20 315 Excellent
Slovenia 10 74 4 80 Excellent
South Korea 4,250 7,389 4,143 10,000 Fair
Spain 421 522 70 800 Excellent
Sweden 69 541 16 580 Excellent
Taiwan 178 847 2,128 940 Very Low
UK 3,085 7,126 1,131 9,000 Very Good
Total 16,939 51,774 33,682 61,640

See below IEC 2024 Young Professional Category Invitations

Invited applicants from eligible countries are granted an employer-specific work visa. In this category, candidates must have gotten a valid job offer from a Canadian company and must work for the said company in the same location

Country Total Invitations in first two rounds as of January 19 Available Spots Candidates in Pool 2024 Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Australia 34 Unlimited 12 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 3 58 1 60 Excellent
Chile 9 16 155 20 Very low
Costa Rica 8 10 99 15 Very low
Croatia 3 18 1 20 Excellent
Czech Republic 61 104 3 145 Excellent
Estonia 1 9 0 10 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 TBA Excellent
France 494 1,897 77 2,200 Excellent
France – VIE 53 955 79 1,000 Excellent
Germany 80 302 8 350 Excellent
Greece 19 3 3 10 Excellent
Ireland 30 139 6 150 Excellent
Latvia 1 7 0 8 Excellent
Lithuania 5 17 1 20 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 0 0 10 Excellent
Netherlands 46 145 4 170 Excellent
Norway 3 14 2 15 Excellent
Poland 11 103 1 110 Excellent
Portugal 6 195 2 200 Excellent
Slovakia 18 21 1 30 Excellent
Slovenia 4 14 1 15 Excellent
South Korea 246 1,417 34 1,500 Excellent
Spain 44 95 4 120 Excellent
Spain — IECX Vives 0 49 0 50 Excellent
Sweden 8 96 2 100 Excellent
Switzerland 40 172 6 200 Excellent
Taiwan 23 41 1 50 Excellent
UK 197 821 35 900 Excellent
Total 1,447 6,718 538 7,478 0


See below Invitations for International Co-op (Internship)

In this category, an employer-specific work visa is issued.

This category is for candidates that are post-secondary students with a valid job offer for an internship or work placement in Canada or candidates that have the intention of completing their education by finishing an internship. It also applies to candidates that will work in same location for the same employer all through their stay in Canada.

Country Total Invitations in first two rounds Available Spots Eligible candidates in pool Quota Chances of being invited to the next round
Australia 2 Unlimited 1 Unlimited Excellent
Austria 20 20 0 20 Excellent
Chile 6 3 2 5 Excellent
Costa Rica 1 4 0 5 Excellent
Croatia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Czech Republic 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Estonia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Finland 0 0 0 TBA Excellent
France 877 3,120 112 4,250 Excellent
Germany 31 138 5 160 Excellent
Greece 100 10 0 10 Excellent
Ireland 14 41 1 50 Excellent
Latvia 0 2 0 2 Excellent
Lithuania 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 0 0 10 Excellent
Norway 5 5 1 5 Excellent
Poland 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Portugal 5 50 2 50 Excellent
Slovakia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
Slovenia 0 5 0 5 Excellent
South Korea 9 495 0 500 Excellent
Spain 1 29 0 30 Excellent
Sweden 0 20 0 20 Excellent
Switzerland 10 42 1 50 Excellent
Taiwan 7 8 0 100 Excellent
UK 8 97 3 100 Excellent
Total 1,096 4,118 128 5,402 0


Need help creating a provincial nomination profile, preparing your application after receiving an invitation to apply or even just reviewing an application you prepared yourself? Need to speak to a professional immigration consultant? Send us an email on info@eseumohimmigration.com

December 12, 2023

Dear Future Neighbour,

On Monday, December 11, 2023, the 2024 registration for the three categories of International Experience Canada (IEC) which includes the Working Holiday Visa, Young professionals and International Co-op categories was announced open.

Interested candidates are advised to begin applying as the first round of invitations for IEC 2024 will be announced in the second week of January 2024.

IEC 2023 ended on Friday, October 13 with the category of Working Holiday Visa topping the chart with a total of 116,030 invitations sent out. The Young Professionals Category sent out 8,056 invitations while the International Co-op sent out 4,488 invitations.

See below full list of the countries eligible for Working Holiday Visas (IEC 2024)

Czech Republic
Korea Republic
New Zealand
San Marino
United Kingdom
Costa Rica
Hong Kong

IRCC will be using automation tools majorly to process IEC applications, IEC participants will be expected to pay a fee of $172CAD.

Qualified applicants from the IEC pool are sent invitations to apply for work permits on a weekly basis.

Need help creating a work permit profile, preparing your application after receiving an invitation to apply or even just reviewing an application you prepared yourself? Send us an email on info@eseumohimmigration.com

October 24, 2023

International Experience Canada (IEC) 2023 pools are now closed as it sent its last round of invitations on Monday, October 23, 2023. Over 2,967 invitations were sent to apply for work permits as at October 23, 2023 bringing it to a total of 131,541 work permit invitations sent by IEC since January, 2023 under the Working Holiday Visa Category, Young Professional and International (Co-op) Internship categories.

All invited candidates can still complete their applications, however profiles of applicants that did not receive any invitation in this season will be deleted from the pool.

The pool for 2024 will probably open in December of 2023 and applicants will be able to create a new profile. The GCkey account of candidates in pool for 2023 will still be active at that time so it will not be necessary to register for a new GCkey or make a new account for IEC 2024 season.

See below Working Holiday Visa Invitations of 2023

Country Invitations Sent as of Oct 23 Total Invitations in 2023 Candidates In Pool Available Spots IEC 2023 Quota
Andorra 0 27 0 13 25
Australia 215 10,884 136 Unlimited Unlimited
Austria 2 285 59 0 100
Belgium 16 1,541 169 0 750
Chile 1,213 8,881 7,030 0 1475
Costa Rica 3 2,074 1,238 5 400
Croatia 5 192 1 158 275
Czech Republic 28 1,300 26 168 1,000
Denmark 7 473 2 16 350
Estonia 5 154 5 21 110
France 35 17,008 16,607 13 7,000
Germany 151 6,191 104 478 4490
Greece 5 461 8 80 180
Hong Kong 4 492 199 0 200
Ireland 165 8,708 102 5,563 10,500
Italy 118 3,382 78 100 1,000
Japan 6 8,361 738 3 6,500
Korea Republic 126 13,629 159 716 6,500
Latvia 2 81 38 0 40
Lithuania 1 403 92 1 175
Luxembourg 3 59 0 38 80
Netherlands 22 1,376 32 7 430
New Zealand 42 3,098 38 451 2,500
Norway 1 188 5 23 130
Poland 15 1,095 29 50 635
Portugal 30 1,432 40 836 1,750
San Marino 0 4 0 22 25
Slovakia 0 560 48 3 315
Slovenia 3 75 0 49 80
Spain 36 2,884 45 348 1800
Sweden 6 570 8 287 580
Taiwan 176 7,030 1,200 82 2375
United Kingdom 262 15,835 260 1,669 10,000
Total 2,703 118,733 28,496 11,200 61,770

See below Young Professional Invitations of 2023

Country Invitations Sent as of Oct 23 Total Invitations in 2023 Candidates In Pool Available Spots IEC 2023 Quota
Australia 3 210 4 Unlimited unlimited
Austria 1 15 0 6 10
Chile 22 607 16 2 130
Costa Rica 9 244 3 3 98
Croatia 2 19 0 13 20
Czech Republic 4 311 5 17 145
Estonia 0 19 1 1 10
France 84 3,854 90 316 2,550
France via Volontariat international en entreprise (VIE) 0 566 117 94 600
Germany 13 621 7 50 350
Greece 2 173 2 29 120
Ireland 7 167 8 118 150
Italy 3 216 4 52 130
Latvia 0 11 0 5 8
Lithuania 1 28 0 1 13
Luxembourg 0 3 0 8 10
Netherlands 5 189 5 17 120
Norway 0 13 0 8 15
Poland 0 93 2 73 110
Portugal 2 48 1 185 200
Slovakia 2 67 1 1 25
Slovenia 0 16 0 6 15
Spain 11 221 2 48 150
Spain via ICEX Vives  Not Applicable  Not Applicable  Not Applicable 44 50
Sweden 2 49 1 80 100
Switzerland 5 297 4 4 200
Taiwan 1 178 3 8 73
Total 179 8,235 276 1,189 5,402

See below International (Co-op) Internship Invitations of 2023

Country Invitations Sent as of Oct 23 Total Invitations in 2023 Candidates in pool Available spots IEC 2023 Quota
Australia 0 1 0 Unlimited Unlimited
Austria 0 2 0 0 2
Chile 0 7 0 1 5
Costa Rica 0 2 0 2 2
Croatia 0 0 0 5 5
Czech Republic 0 1 0 4 5
Estonia 0 0 0 5 5
France 78 4,273 59 350 4,250
Germany 2 126 2 99 160
Greece 0 1 0 2 10
Ireland 3 21 0 36 50
Italy 2 35 0 1 15
Latvia 0 0 0 2 2
Lithuania 0 0 0 2 5
Luxembourg 0 3 0 9 10
Norway 0 0 0 5 5
Poland 0 2 0 3 5
Portugal 0 3 0 49 50
Slovakia 0 0 0 2 2
Slovenia 0 0 0 5 5
Spain 0 5 1 3 5
Sweden 0 16 0 19 20
Switzerland 0 56 0 18 50
Taiwan 0 19 0 2 10
Total 85 4,573 62 624 4,678

The processing timeframe for IEC 2023 as updated by IRCC remains six weeks.

Need help creating a work permit profile, preparing an application after receiving an invitation or reviewing an application you already created? Send us an email on info@eseumohimmigration.com


October 23, 2023

Dear Future Neighbour,

Are you looking to immigrate to Canada using the Permanent Residency Pathway? Are you a skilled construction worker? If Yes, then this news is for you.

Nova Scotia, a province in Canada has launched a new permanent residency pathway called the Critical Construction Worker Pilot for eligible candidates that desire to immigrate to Canada.

Candidates must have experience in any of the 21 construction occupations to qualify for this program and also have the following requirements:

  • A permanent and full-time job offer from a Nova scotian employer in one of the 21 trades listed below
  • Candidates must be between ages 21 and 55 years
  • Candidates must have at least 1 year of work experience related to the job offer
  • Candidates must have a high school diploma or must have completed a construction specific industry training program with evidence.
  • Candidates must meet the financial requirements to immigrate to Nova Scotia
  • Candidates must have language proficiency in English or French with CLB 5 for Teer 0, 1, 2 or 3 occupations and CLB 4 for Teer 4 and 5

CLB Level 4

Test Listening Reading Writing  Speaking
IELTS 4.5 3.5 4 4
CELPIP 4 4 4 4
TEF 145 121 181 181
TCF 331 342 4 4

CLB Level 5

Test Listening Reading Writing  Speaking
IELTS 5 4 5 5
CELPIP 5 5 5 5
TEF 181 151 226 226
TCF 369 375 6 6

See below list of the 21 Construction Occupations:

  1. 70010 – Construction managers
  2. 70011 – Home building and renovation managers
  3. 72011 – Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations
  4. 72014 – Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers
  5. 72020 – Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades
  6. 72106 – Welders and related machine operators
  7. 72200 – Electricians (except industrial and power system)
  8. 72201 – Industrial electricians
  9. 72310 – Carpenters
  10. 72320 – Bricklayers
  11. 72401 – Heavy-duty equipment mechanics
  12. 72402 – Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics
  13. 72500 – Crane operators
  14. 73100 – Concrete finishers
  15. 73102 – Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers
  16. 73110 – Roofers and shinglers
  17. 73200 – Residential and commercial installers and servicers
  18. 73400 – Heavy equipment operators
  19. 75101 – Material handlers
  20. 75110 – Construction trades helpers and labourers
  21. 75119 – Other trades helpers and labourers

Do you need further information and assistance on how to apply for this program? Need to create an express entry or provincial nomination profile? Need to process a Canadian admission or have general questions regarding Canada Immigration process? Send us an email on info@eseumohimmigration.com




October 16, 2023

Hello Future Neighbour,

In the just concluded week, International Experience Canada (IEC) invites 4,137 applicants for work Permits under the Working Holiday Visa, Young Professional and International Co-op (Internships) categories.

Over 125,000 candidates have been invited so far, around 14,241 spots are still available among all three categories. The updated IRCC processing timeframe is six weeks.

See below latest IEC 2023 Working Holiday Visa Invitations

Country Invitations Sent in Week Ending Oct 13 Total Invitations in 2023 Candidates In Pool Available Spots IEC 2023 Quota Chances of receiving an invite this week
Andorra 1 27 0 14 25 Excellent
Australia 278 10,669 156 unlimited unlimited Excellent
Austria 4 283 51 0 168 Very Low
Belgium 26 1,525 144 2 950 Very Low
Chile 2,016 7,668 7,606 330 4,000 Very Low
Costa Rica 2 2,071 1,156 1 1,150 Very Low
Croatia 5 187 5 163 275 Excellent
Czech Republic 37 1,272 23 193 1,000 Excellent
Denmark 10 466 5 23 350 Excellent
Estonia 0 149 4 24 110 Excellent
France 88 16,973 16,016 33 12,700 Very Low
Germany 164 6,040 108 621 4,490 Excellent
Greece 11 456 3 85 378 Excellent
Hong Kong 7 488 198 1 200 Very Low
Ireland 190 8,543 124 5,698 10,500 Excellent
Italy 130 3,264 83 193 1,855 Excellent
Japan 6 8,355 654 4 6,500 Very Low
Korea Republic 175 13,503 68 783 8,500 Excellent
Latvia 0 79 38 2 40 Very Low
Lithuania 1 402 89 0 185 Very Low
Luxembourg 0 56 2 39 80 Excellent
Netherlands 18 1,354 25 21 880 Excellent
New Zealand 38 3,056 26 481 2,500 Excellent
Norway 3 187 0 25 130 Excellent
Poland 21 1,080 5 55 635 Excellent
Portugal 27 1,402 19 853 1,750 Excellent
San Marino 0 4 0 22 25 Excellent
Slovakia 0 560 42 2 323 Very Low
Slovenia 1 72 3 50 80 Excellent
Spain 65 2,848 21 348 1,845 Excellent
Sweden 7 564 3 292 580 Excellent
Taiwan 246 6,854 1,137 116 3,425 Very Low
United Kingdom 312 15,573 164 1,747 10,000 Excellent
Total 3,889 116,030 27,978 12,221 75,629

See below International Co-0p (Internships) Invitations

Country Invitations Sent in Week Ending Oct 13 Total Invitations in 2023 Candidates in pool Available spots IEC 2023 Quota Chances of receiving an invite next week
Australia 0 1 0 Unlimited Unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 2 0 0 2 Excellent
Chile 0 7 0 1 2 Excellent
Costa Rica 2 2 0 2 2 Excellent
Croatia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Czech Republic 0 1 0 4 5 Excellent
Estonia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
France 45 4,195 50 399 3,150 Excellent
Germany 1 124 2 100 160 Excellent
Greece 0 1 0 2 2 Excellent
Ireland 0 18 2 38 50 Excellent
Italy 3 33 2 2 15 Excellent
Latvia 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Lithuania 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 3 0 9 10 Excellent
Norway 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Poland 0 2 0 3 5 Excellent
Portugal 0 3 0 49 50 Excellent
Slovakia 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Slovenia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Spain 0 5 0 3 5 Excellent
Sweden 0 16 0 19 20 Excellent
Switzerland 0 56 0 18 50 Excellent
Taiwan 0 19 0 2 2 Excellent
Total 51 4,488 56 677 3,556

See below Young Professional Invitations

Country Invitations Sent in Week Ending Oct 13 Total Invitations in 2023 Candidates In Pool Available Spots IEC 2023 Quota Chances of receiving an invite this week
Australia 6 207 3 unlimited unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 14 1 7 10 Excellent
Chile 26 585 21 63 130 Excellent
Costa Rica 7 235 6 5 98 Excellent
Croatia 2 17 2 14 20 Excellent
Czech Republic 6 307 4 20 145 Excellent
Estonia 0 19 0 1 10 Excellent
France 80 3,770 53 385 2,550 Excellent
France via Volontariat international en entreprise (VIE) 12 566 70 91 600 Excellent
Germany 13 608 13 53 350 Excellent
Greece 4 171 2 29 120 Excellent
Ireland 8 160 4 122 150 Excellent
Italy 4 213 4 54 130 Excellent
Latvia 0 11 0 5 8 Excellent
Lithuania 2 27 1 2 13 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 3 0 8 10 Excellent
Netherlands 3 184 2 17 120 Excellent
Norway 1 13 0 8 15 Excellent
Poland 0 93 0 72 110 Excellent
Portugal 1 46 1 185 200 Excellent
Slovakia 2 65 2 2 25 Excellent
Slovenia 1 16 0 6 15 Excellent
Spain 9 210 8 56 150 Excellent
Spain via ICEX Vives 0 Not applicable Not Applicable 44 50 Excellent
Sweden 4 47 2 82 100 Excellent
Switzerland 3 292 4 4 200 Excellent
Taiwan 3 177 1 8 73 Excellent
Total 197 8,056 204 1,343 5,402

Need help creating a Work Permit profile, preparing your application after receiving an invitation to apply or even just reviewing an application you prepared yourself? Send us an email on info@eseumohimmigration.com






October 9, 2023

A total of 2,850 candidates were invited by International Experience Canada (IEC) to apply for work permits as at October 6, 2023.

Under the 3 categories of IEC, 15,719 spots are still available. Since the beginning of the year 2023, IEC has sent a total of  124,447 work permit invitations across all 3 categories; Young professional category, International Co-op (internship) category and Working Holiday Visa Category.

See below the breakdown of IEC invitations so far in the 3 categories:

Young Professional Invitations

Country Invitations Sent in Week Ending Oct 6 Total Invitations in 2023 Candidates In Pool Available Spots IEC 2023 Quota Chances of receiving an invite next week
Australia 8 201 4 unlimited unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 14 0 7 10 Excellent
Chile 19 559 9 68 130 Excellent
Costa Rica 7 228 4 6 98 Excellent
Croatia 0 15 0 14 20 Excellent
Czech Republic 5 301 2 2 145 Excellent
Estonia 2 19 0 1 10 Excellent
France 68 3,690 34 414 2,550 Excellent
France via Volontariat international en entreprise (VIE) 5 554 73 102 600 Excellent
Germany 19 595 8 58 350 Excellent
Greece 3 167 1 31 120 Excellent
Ireland 3 152 2 124 150 Excellent
Italy 6 209 2 54 130 Excellent
Latvia 1 11 0 5 8 Excellent
Lithuania 0 25 2 3 13 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 3 0 8 10 Excellent
Netherlands 3 181 1 18 120 Excellent
Norway 1 12 1 8 15 Excellent
Poland 2 93 0 72 110 Excellent
Portugal 1 45 0 186 200 Excellent
Slovakia 2 63 0 0 25 Excellent
Slovenia 0 15 1 7 15 Excellent
Spain 9 201 3 58 150 Excellent
Spain via ICEX Vives 0 10 0 43 50 Excellent
Sweden 0 43 2 84 100 Excellent
Switzerland 1 289 1 2 200 Excellent
Taiwan 2 174 1 10 73 Excellent
Total 167 7,869 151 1,385 5,402


Working Holiday Visa Invitations

Country Invitations Sent in Week Ending
Oct 6
Total Invitations in 2023 Candidates In Pool Available Spots IEC 2023 Quota Chances of receiving an invite next week
Andorra 0 26 1 14 25 Excellent
Australia 186 10,391 117 unlimited unlimited Excellent
Austria 2 279 43 0 168 Very Low
Belgium 31 1,499 118 14 950 Very Low
Chile 938 5,652 6,952 836 4,118 Very Low
Costa Rica 9 2,069 1,104 1 1,150 Very Low
Croatia 4 182 0 165 275 Excellent
Czech Republic 26 1,235 17 263 1,000 Excellent
Denmark 6 456 3 28 350 Excellent
Estonia 5 149 0 23 110 Excellent
France 0 16,885 15,700 89 12,700 Very Low
Germany 100 5,876 65 678 4,490 Excellent
Greece 17 445 6 89 378 Excellent
Hong Kong 7 481 193 3 200 Very Low
Ireland 152 8,353 81 5,757 10,500 Excellent
Italy 95 3,134 51 235 1,855 Excellent
Japan 15 8,349 594 9 6,500 Very Low
Korea Republic 140 13,328 120 895 8,500 Excellent
Latvia 0 79 38 0 40 Very Low
Lithuania 3 401 90 1 185 Very Low
Luxembourg 3 56 0 39 80 Excellent
Netherlands 25 1,336 12 28 880 Excellent
New Zealand 47 3,018 23 512 2,500 Excellent
Norway 7 184 4 27 130 Excellent
Poland 19 1,059 10 73 635 Excellent
Portugal 31 1,375 16 870 1,750 Excellent
San Marino 0 4 0 22 25 Excellent
Slovakia 5 560 41 3 323 Very Low
Slovenia 5 71 0 49 80 Excellent
Spain 72 2,783 45 381 1,845 Excellent
Sweden 6 557 5 296 580 Excellent
Taiwan 339 6,608 1,290 309 3,425 Very Low
United Kingdom 323 15,261 224 1,916 10,000 Excellent
Total 2,618 112,141 26,963 13,625 75,747


International Co-op (Internship) Invitations

Country Invitations Sent This Week Total Invitations in 2023 Candidates in pool Available spots IEC 2023 Quota Chances of receiving an invite next week
Australia 0 1 0 Unlimited Unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 2 0 0 2 Excellent
Chile 0 7 0 1 2 Excellent
Costa Rica -2 0 0 5 2 Excellent
Croatia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Czech Republic 0 1 0 4 5 Excellent
Estonia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
France 62 4,150 28 428 3,150 Excellent
Germany 1 123 1 99 160 Excellent
Greece 0 1 0 2 2 Excellent
Ireland 0 18 0 38 50 Excellent
Italy 3 30 2 4 15 Excellent
Latvia 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Lithuania 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 3 0 9 10 Excellent
Norway 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Poland 0 2 0 3 5 Excellent
Portugal 0 3 0 49 50 Excellent
Slovakia 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Slovenia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Spain 0 5 0 3 5 Excellent
Sweden 0 16 0 19 20 Excellent
Switzerland 1 56 0 17 50 Excellent
Taiwan 0 19 0 2 2 Excellent
Total 65 4,437 31 709 3,556

According to an update from IRCC, IEC processing timeframe is now 7 weeks.

Need help creating a work permit profile, preparing your application after receiving an invitation to apply or even just reviewing an application you prepared yourself? Send us an email on eseumohimmigration@gmail.com












October 3, 2023

In the latest rounds of invitation sent out by International Experience Canada (IEC), a total of 2,281 candidates from 33 eligible countries were invited to apply for open work permits under the working holiday visa draw in the past two weeks.

See below Country-Wise Working Holiday Visa Invitations

Country Invitations
Sent in Last 2 Weeks
Total Invitations
in 2023
In Pool
IEC 2023
Chances of receiving an invite ths week
Andorra 0 26 0 14 25 Excellent
Australia 177 10,205 122 unlimited unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 277 42 0 168 Very Low
Belgium 11 1,468 118 28 950 Very Low
Chile 24 4,714 7,705 1,471 4,118 Very Low
Costa Rica 6 2,060 1,041 6 1,150 Very Low
Croatia 1 178 3 168 275 Excellent
Czech Republic 38 1,209 20 277 1,000 Excellent
Denmark 12 450 4 31 350 Excellent
Estonia 3 144 5 25 110 Excellent
France 0 16,885 15,245 88 12,700 Very Low
Germany 126 5,776 59 727 4,490 Excellent
Greece 13 428 13 99 378 Excellent
Hong Kong 1 474 192 7 200 Very Low
Ireland 117 8,201 87 5,834 10,500 Excellent
Italy 97 3,039 71 268 1,855 Excellent
Japan 96 8,334 500 22 6,500 Very Low
Korea Republic 251 13,188 92 929 8,500 Excellent
Latvia 0 79 37 0 40 Very Low
Lithuania 0 398 90 2 185 Very Low
Luxembourg 3 53 1 40 80 Excellent
Netherlands 42 1,311 20 44 880 Excellent
New Zealand 93 2,971 37 532 2,500 Excellent
Norway 14 177 6 31 130 Excellent
Poland 36 1,040 10 80 635 Excellent
Portugal 62 1,344 17 882 1,750 Excellent
San Marino 0 4 0 22 25 Excellent
Slovakia 0 555 39 5 323 Low
Slovenia 6 66 1 51 80 Excellent
Spain 121 2,711 53 403 1,845 Excellent
Sweden 22 551 2 296 580 Excellent
Taiwan 318 6,269 1,480 462 3,425 Very Low
United Kingdom 591 14,938 238 1,989 10,000 Excellent
Total 2,281 109,523 27,350 14,833 75,747


See below Country-Wise International Co-op (Internships) invitations

Country Invitations
Issued In
Last two weeks
in 2023
in pool
Chances of receiving an invite this week
Australia 0 1 0 Unlimited Unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 2 0 0 2 Excellent
Chile 0 7 0 1 2 Excellent
Costa Rica 0 2 0 2 2 Excellent
Croatia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Czech Republic 0 1 0 4 5 Excellent
Estonia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
France 55 4,088 45 464 3,150 Excellent
Germany 2 122 1 100 160 Excellent
Greece 0 1 0 2 2 Excellent
Ireland 0 18 0 38 50 Excellent
Italy 0 27 0 7 15 Excellent
Latvia 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Lithuania 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 3 0 9 10 Excellent
Norway 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Poland 0 2 0 3 5 Excellent
Portugal 0 3 0 49 50 Excellent
Slovakia 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Slovenia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Spain 0 5 0 3 5 Excellent
Sweden 0 16 0 19 20 Excellent
Switzerland 2 55 0 16 50 Excellent
Taiwan 0 19 0 2 2 Excellent
Total 59 4,372 46 745 3,556


See below Country-Wise Young Professionals Invitations

Country Invitations
Issued In
Last two weeks
in 2023
In Pool
IEC 2023
an invite
this week
Australia 7 193 4 unlimited unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 14 0 7 10 Excellent
Chile 23 540 10 73 130 Excellent
Costa Rica 3 221 5 9 98 Excellent
Croatia 2 15 1 15 20 Excellent
Czech Republic 5 296 2 2 145 Excellent
Estonia 1 17 2 2 10 Excellent
France 77 3,622 56 449 2,550 Excellent
France via Volontariat international en entreprise (VIE) 15 549 68 107 600 Excellent
Germany 17 576 11 68 350 Excellent
Greece 3 164 3 34 120 Excellent
Ireland 2 149 0 124 150 Excellent
Italy 5 203 3 57 130 Excellent
Latvia 0 10 1 6 8 Excellent
Lithuania 0 25 0 2 13 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 3 0 8 10 Excellent
Netherlands 8 178 2 19 120 Excellent
Norway 0 11 1 9 15 Excellent
Poland 1 91 2 74 110 Excellent
Portugal 0 44 1 186 200 Excellent
Slovakia 2 61 2 2 25 Excellent
Slovenia 0 15 0 7 15 Excellent
Spain 4 192 5 61 150 Excellent
Spain via ICEX Vives 0 10 0 43 50 Excellent
Sweden 2 43 0 84 100 Excellent
Switzerland 1 288 0 3 200 Excellent
Taiwan 1 172 2 10 73 Excellent
Total 179 7,702 181 1,461 5,402

Young professionals from the 33 eligible countries still have a chance of getting into Canada under the working holiday visa open work permit as a total of 14,833 spots are still available for 2023 rounds.

Need help creating a work permit profile, a provincial nominaton or an express entry profile, preparing your application after receiving an invitation to apply or even just reviewing an application you prepared yourself? Send us an email on info@eseumohimmigration.com

September 18, 2023

A total of 4,955 invitations has been sent out by International Experience Canada (IEC) to apply for open work permits in the new Working Holiday Visa rounds of invitations in the last 2 weeks. Over 15,000 spots are still open for candidates applying for a working holiday visa from 33 eligible countries.

Apart from the Working Holiday Visa category, 316 new closed work permit invitations was sent in the Young Professional category, 1,527 spots are still available for candidates from eligible countries.

See below Working Holiday Visa 2023 Invitations

Country Invitations
Issued In
Last two weeks
In Pool
IEC 2023
an invite
this week
Andorra 2 26 0 14 25 Excellent
Australia 475 10,028 143 unlimited unlimited Excellent
Austria 3 277 37 0 168 Very Low
Belgium 87 1,457 74 28 950 Excellent
Chile 901 4,690 8,518 1,459 4,118 Very Low
Costa Rica 2 2,054 924 2 1,150 Very Low
Croatia 13 177 2 168 275 Excellent
Czech Republic 62 1,171 19 301 1,000 Excellent
Denmark 23 438 5 37 350 Excellent
Estonia 11 141 0 29 110 Excellent
France 0 16,885 14,167 76 12,700 Very Low
Germany 254 5,650 56 819 4,490 Excellent
Greece 21 415 7 104 378 Excellent
Hong Kong 11 473 172 6 200 Very Low
Ireland 264 8,084 74 5,887 10,500 Excellent
Italy 209 2,942 52 309 1,855 Excellent
Japan 298 8,238 332 100 6,500 Low
Korea Republic 475 12,937 102 1,064 8,500 Excellent
Latvia 1 79 33 0 40 Very Low
Lithuania 0 398 86 0 185 Very Low
Luxembourg 5 50 0 43 80 Excellent
Netherlands 56 1,269 12 67 880 Excellent
New Zealand 99 2,878 38 595 2,500 Excellent
Norway 8 163 4 38 130 Excellent
Poland 27 1,004 14 99 635 Excellent
Portugal 69 1,282 28 928 1,750 Excellent
San Marino 0 4 0 22 25 Excellent
Slovakia 16 555 24 6 323 Low
Slovenia 0 60 2 53 80 Excellent
Spain 162 2,590 43 459 1,845 Excellent
Sweden 37 529 6 306 580 Excellent
Taiwan 583 5,951 1,494 527 3,425 Fair
United Kingdom 781 14,347 215 2,273 10,000 Excellent
Total 4,955 107,242 26,683 15,819 75,747

Working Holiday Visa Invitations

See below Young Professionals Category Invitations

Country Invitations
Issued in
last 2 weeks
In Pool
Chances of receiving an invitation this week
Australia 8 186 3 unlimited unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 14 0 7 10 Excellent
Chile 46 517 11 67 130 Excellent
Costa Rica 1 218 4 10 98 Excellent
Croatia 1 13 2 16 20 Excellent
Czech Republic 17 291 2 2 145 Excellent
Estonia 1 16 0 0 10 Excellent
France 152 3,545 33 495 2,550 Excellent
France via Volontariat international en entreprise (VIE) 33 534 55 116 600 Excellent
Germany 30 559 9 74 350 Excellent
Greece 11 161 1 36 120 Excellent
Ireland 9 147 6 123 150 Excellent
Italy 1 198 0 60 130 Excellent
Latvia 1 10 0 6 8 Excellent
Lithuania 2 25 0 3 13 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 3 0 8 10 Excellent
Netherlands 7 170 2 20 120 Excellent
Norway 0 11 0 9 15 Excellent
Poland 2 90 1 74 110 Excellent
Portugal 3 44 0 186 200 Excellent
Slovakia 1 59 3 3 25 Excellent
Slovenia 0 15 0 6 15 Excellent
Spain -24 188 6 61 150 Excellent
Spain via ICEX Vives 0 10 0 44 50 Excellent
Sweden 4 41 0 85 100 Excellent
Switzerland 8 287 3 5 200 Excellent
Taiwan 2 171 1 11 73 Excellent
Total 316 7,523 142 1,527 5,402

Young Professionals Invitations

See below International Co-op (Internship) invitations

Country Invitations
Issued in
last 2 Weeks
in pool
Chances of receiving an invite this week
Australia 1 1 0 Unlimited Unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 2 0 0 2 Excellent
Chile 0 7 0 1 2 Excellent
Costa Rica 0 2 0 2 2 Excellent
Croatia 1 1 0 4 5 Excellent
Czech Republic 0 1 0 4 5 Excellent
Estonia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
France 69 4,033 16 489 3,150 Excellent
Germany 5 120 1 99 160 Excellent
Greece 1 1 0 1 2 Excellent
Ireland 0 18 0 38 50 Excellent
Italy 0 27 0 7 15 Excellent
Latvia 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Lithuania 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 3 0 9 10 Excellent
Norway 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Poland 1 3 0 49 50 Excellent
Portugal 0 3 0 49 50 Excellent
Slovakia 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Slovenia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Spain 0 5 0 3 5 Excellent
Sweden 0 16 0 19 20 Excellent
Switzerland 5 53 1 18 50 Excellent
Taiwan 0 19 0 2 2 Excellent
Total 83 4,315 18 815 3,601

International Co-op Invitations

The processing timeframe by IRCC still remains 9 weeks.

Need help applying for a work permit, creating an express entry profile, or preparing your application after receiving an invitation to apply or even just reviewing an application you prepared yourself? Send us an email on eseumohimmigration@gmail.com


September 4, 2023

A large total of 4,039 open work permit invitations in new Working Holiday Visa rounds was sent out by International Experience Canada (IEC) last week.

As of September 1, 2023, a total of 18,238 spots are still available for open work permits under the Working Holiday Visa category of 2023 season.

Country-specific quotas are being redistributed with France getting 700 more spots for Working Holiday Visa and 750 additional spots for Young Professionals category this week.

In the last round, we saw addition of new spots for Belgium (200), Chile (2,500), and Taiwan (1,000) in the Working Holiday Visa category which resulted in increased number of invitations for these countries in this round.

Furthermore, 251 closed work permit invitations have been sent under the Young Professionals category and only 53 under International Co-op category.

According to the most recent IRCC processing time update, the IEC 2023 season processing time has improved by 2 weeks to 9 weeks.

See below tables detailing the breakdown by country and category of invitations sent last week, the total number of invitations sent in 2023, the number of applicants in the pool, the number of available spaces, and the likelihood of receiving an invitation this week.

Working Holiday Visa Invitations

Country Invitations
Issued Last
In Pool
IEC 2023
Andorra 0 24 0 15 25 Excellent
Australia 249 9,553 143 unlimited unlimited Excellent
Austria 3 274 32 0 168 Very Low
Belgium 205 1,370 69 76 950 Excellent
Chile 1,500 3,789 8,284 2,059 4,118 Very Low
Costa Rica 153 2,052 726 0 1,150 Very Low
Croatia 3 164 1 174 275 Excellent
Czech Republic 35 1,109 26 331 1,000 Excellent
Denmark 6 415 7 52 350 Excellent
Estonia 1 130 3 36 110 Excellent
France 8 16,886 12,918 0 12,700 Very Low
Germany 60 5,396 70 945 4,490 Excellent
Greece 1 394 8 113 378 Excellent
Hong Kong 5 462 144 3 200 Very Low
Ireland 84 7,820 82 6,015 10,500 Excellent
Italy 67 2,733 54 417 1,855 Excellent
Japan 217 7,940 147 281 6,500 Excellent
Korea Republic 277 12,462 166 1,339 8,500 Excellent
Latvia 2 78 31 0 40 Very Low
Lithuania 4 398 73 0 185 Very Low
Luxembourg 2 45 2 45 80 Excellent
Netherlands 17 1,213 12 94 880 Excellent
New Zealand 53 2,779 31 639 2,500 Excellent
Norway 9 155 1 42 130 Excellent
Poland 10 977 7 110 635 Excellent
Portugal 23 1,213 25 969 1,750 Excellent
San Marino 0 4 0 22 25 Excellent
Slovakia 6 539 10 15 323 Excellent
Slovenia 0 60 2 53 80 Excellent
Spain 33 2,428 35 525 1,845 Excellent
Sweden 6 492 7 323 580 Excellent
Taiwan 748 5,368 1,872 933 3,425 Fair
United Kingdom 252 13,566 200 2,612 10,000 Excellent
Total 4,039 102,288 25,188 18,238 75,747

IEC 2023 Working Holiday Visa invitations

Young Professionals Invitations

Country Invitations
Issued Last
In Pool
IEC 2023
Australia 3 178 2 unlimited unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 14 0 6 10 Excellent
Chile 76 471 24 75 130 Very low
Costa Rica 4 217 0 10 98 Excellent
Croatia 1 12 0 15 20 Excellent
Czech Republic 7 274 5 5 145 Excellent
Estonia 0 15 0 1 10 Excellent
France 79 3,393 54 575 2,550 Excellent
France via Volontariat international en entreprise (VIE) 58 501 52 148 600 Excellent
Germany 9 529 9 88 350 Excellent
Greece 0 150 2 40 120 Excellent
Ireland 0 138 3 125 150 Excellent
Italy 0 197 2 58 130 Excellent
Latvia 0 9 0 7 8 Excellent
Lithuania 1 23 0 3 13 Excellent
Luxembourg 1 3 0 8 10 Excellent
Netherlands 5 163 3 25 120 Excellent
Norway 0 11 0 9 15 Excellent
Poland 1 88 0 75 110 Excellent
Portugal 0 41 0 188 200 Excellent
Slovakia 1 58 0 1 25 Excellent
Slovenia 0 15 0 6 15 Excellent
Spain 2 212 1 60 150 Excellent
Spain via ICEX Vives 0 10 Not applicable 44 50 Excellent
Sweden 0 37 2 88 100 Excellent
Switzerland 1 279 2 8 200 Excellent
Taiwan 2 169 3 11 73 Excellent
Total 251 7,207 164 1,679 5,402

IEC 2023 Young Professionals invitations

International Co-op (Internships) invitations

Country Invitations
Issued Last Week
In Pool
IEC 2023
Australia 0 0 0 Unlimited Unlimited Excellent
Austria 0 2 0 0 2 Excellent
Chile 0 7 0 1 2 Excellent
Costa Rica 0 2 0 2 2 Excellent
Croatia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Czech Republic 0 1 0 4 5 Excellent
Estonia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
France 50 3,964 20 529 2,600 Excellent
Germany 2 115 2 103 160 Excellent
Greece 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Ireland 0 18 0 37 50 Excellent
Italy 0 27 0 7 15 Excellent
Latvia 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Lithuania 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Luxembourg 0 3 0 9 10 Excellent
Norway 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Poland 0 2 0 3 5 Excellent
Portugal 0 3 0 49 50 Excellent
Slovakia 0 0 0 2 2 Excellent
Slovenia 0 0 0 5 5 Excellent
Spain 0 5 0 3 5 Excellent
Sweden 0 16 0 19 20 Excellent
Switzerland 1 48 3 20 50 Excellent
Taiwan 0 19 0 2 2 Excellent
Total 53 4,232 25 816 3,006

International Co-op (Internships) invitations

Need help creating a provincial nomination profile, preparing your application after receiving an invitation to apply or even just reviewing an application you prepared yourself? Send us an email on eseumohimmigration@gmail.com