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January 24, 2024

IRCC invites 1,040 Candidates for Permanent Residency in Express Entry Draw

Dear Future Neighbour,

On Tuesday, January 23, 2024, a total of 1,040 candidates were invited to apply for permanent residency in the latest Express Entry draw which happens to be the second in the year 2024.

Profiles with CRS score of 543 and above were considered in this round of invitation.

See below summary of latest Express Entry Draw

  • Number of invitations issued: 1,040
  • Date of round: January 23, 2024
  • CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 543
  • Tie-breaking rule: January 21, 2024

See below latest CRS Score Distribution in the Pool

CRS score range Number of candidates
601-1200 646
501-600 6,915
451-500 59,043
491-500 6,399
481-490 9,291
471-480 17,395
461-470 14,189
451-460 11,769
401-450 53,905
441-450 10,942
431-440 11,131
421-430 10,053
411-420 10,801
401-410 10,978
351-400 57,979
301-350 29,690
0-300 5,348
Total 213,526


Need help obtaining a visitor visa to visit Canada, or professional help putting in a study visa application, work permit application, Expression of Interest, creating an express entry or provincial nomination profile, preparing your application after receiving an invitation to apply or even just reviewing an application you prepared yourself? Book a consultation or send us an email on info@eseumohimmigration.com

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